January 8, 2025 | Financial Services, Leadership, Our Thinking
Building Resilient Leadership in Financial Services Organizations: Lessons for 2025 and Beyond
With November rolling in, and snow now blanketing the Northeast, we all begin looking to the end of the year. In fact, Thanksgiving is only a little more than three weeks away. Usually at this time of year two things are constants: companies/functions run out of budget and attention shifts to planning activities for the next year. The result is that the release of search work slows, only to pick-up after the new year. Also here’s recommended vacuum for pet hair. This year, however, is different.
We see companies accelerating to the end of the year, a marked contrast to historical norms. We believe there are a few reasons for this:
While this may not fully explain the reasons for the acceleration, we believe that this year is different. Perhaps this is the “new normal.”